The Charlie Ward Truth Seekers Conference hosted by Trump Doral Resort Miami
1st and 2nd May 2025
Would you like to become a sponsor of this unique event?
Sponsors will have VIP access backstage, will be invited to play golf with Charlie and other team members and will be at the heart of the event with access all areas privileges.
Depending upon your level of sponsorship your branding and message will be shared with both the live attendees and the wider, potentially 8m+ global audience broadcast across multiple digital platforms. They will continue to be viewed across multiple social channels for months to come. It presents an incredible opportunity for you to associate yourself with The Charlie Ward Show and acquire brand recognition within your target audience all across the globe.
The event will be broadcast on the Viral TV platform with 23m global followers and Chas Carter’s PPN platform with a reach of 9 million
The event will be broadcast on the Viral TV platform with 23m global followers and Chas Carter’s PPN platform with a reach of 9 million
Sponsorship Levels and Rewards
Minimum levels of sponsorship
- Your logo will appear in photo calls and be visible to both 900 live audience and 9,000,000 viewers. Images will also be shared through multiple other channels
- Priority reserved seating for each speaker
- Access to private dining area along with the speakers
- Signed T-Shirt from all participants
Minimum level of sponsorship
- All of the above plus
- Invitation as Charlie’s guest to join the golf event and Gala Dinner
- Priority placement at vendor stations
- Your logo will be displayed at double the size of other on photo calls, banners and other media
- A hard copy of all of the shows
- 1 on 1 sit down with Paul Brooker and Drew
- Access to the green room
Minimum level of sponsorship
- All of the benefits of the lower packages plus
- Your logo will appear next to Charlie on screen
- Banner placement in key locations
- Your advert will be played before key speakers take the stage
- Personal invitation from Charlie for you plus 1 guest to join the golf event
- 1 on 1 sit down with Charlie
- Preferential treatment in the Q & A giving you live airtime with a caption and bio visible to viewers
Sole title sponsor
- All of the above—You will be the sole sponsor, and the event will be co-branded as The Charlie Ward Show and your brands—an incredible and exclusive opportunity.